Please review the Social Course Overview, If you have any questions please ask for clarification.

Adult Basic Education Program 2020 – 2021      Level 3


Kathie Jones


I.        CULTURE and IDENTITY  -  20%


  1. You will analyze ways in which membership in your culture shapes your identity and world view.


  2. You will develop understanding of cultures other than your own.


  3. You will analyze and reflect on personal and societal assumptions and norms.





  1. You will develop an understanding of different systems of government and their relationships.


  2. You will analyze the concept of leadership.


  3. You will analyze the rights and responsibilities in Canadian democracy.





          Research assignments

Class presentations




IV.     CURRENT EVENTS  -  10%


          Ten (10) assignments. 


V.       ATTENDANCE – 10%


VI.     FINAL  -  20%



Social 10 covers a variety of units and materials.  Computers will be utilized to research material for current events and other assignments.  Through research, class discussions, lectures, etc. you will be introduced to a number

Adult Learning Principles

Adult Education 2020 - 2021

Kathie Jones

  1. Prior knowledge and experience

  • Everyone brings prior knowledge and ways of knowing with them into the classroom. Students are encouraged to share their own prior knowledge and ways of knowing through classroom discussions.

  1. Creating a safe space for learning

  • Our classroom is a safe place for everyone. Individual thoughts, ideas, and opinions will be respected at all times.

  1. Respecting all learners

  • The number one classroom rule is respect. Students are respect everyone in our classroom: themselves, classmates, instructors, and support staff. Respect is reciprocal; respect is given and earned.

  1. Relevance – why is what you are learning important

  • At the beginning of each class, students will be made aware what we will be doing in class and why.

  1. Multiple learning styles

  • Everyone learns in different ways. Some people learn by reading, some by watching, some by listening, and some by doing things for themselves. We will be discussing these multiple learning styles. Students will be doing assessments to determine their own learning styles.

  • My methods of teaching are varied to hopefully accommodate all learning styles.

  1. Multiple intelligences

  • Everyone is intelligent, in different ways. We will be discussing multiple intelligences, and students will be doing assessments to determining their own multiple intelligences.